
Energy Models is a Julia package for planning large-scale energy systems with high shares of renewable energy by co-optimizing capacities and dispatch of wind turbines, solar panels, storage, transmission and thermal generation units.

Development takes place in a public Gitlab repository: coroa/energymodels.

It is closely tied to PyPSA and its models, especially PyPSA-Eur.

It additionally draws inspiration from:

The project is developed under the umbrella of the Prototypefund funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany). The project was initiated at the Energy System Modelling group at the Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

energymodels.de on gitlab pages

Hugo via Gitlab CI on custom domain

Setting up the blog for the Energy Models project in the Prototypefund was a bliss with Gitlab pages. Their project templates (New project->Create from template->Pages/Hugo) come with the CI configuration to use their shared runners for generating a static webpage with posts, pages and tags from simple markdown files managed in the energymodels-pages git repository. Running hugo server locally gives a helpful live preview of the blog. The your-server.de domain administration was powerful and simple enough to finish the custom domain dance described in gitlab’s docs without any serious blockers. [Read More]